Rewilding Love EP8: Finding Empowerment

Rohini Ross
4 min readMar 9, 2021

Rohini broaches the subject of divorce, recognizing that Alicia’s fear of the relationship ending is part of what fuels her volatility. If Alicia can make self-honoring choices, it will be better for her and the relationship, and the key is to make decisions about the next steps from a place of inner calm and wellbeing instead of fear. The Rewilders don’t view the ending of a relationship as a failure, rather their work centers around facilitating individual transformations and connection with inner wellbeing and peace of mind. This has the ripple effect of benefitting relationships.

Alicia is really starting to see where her upset comes from; her relationship to her own thinking. She and Rohini discuss how she’ll be better off walking away or distracting herself in times of reactivity instead of leaning into it and acting from that feeling. Only life or death situations are dire enough to require immediate attention, most anything else allows for a pause.

Rohini cautions Alicia against using this understanding as bait for being hard on herself, we can’t control what thoughts come in, but we do have choice over how much attention we pay them. If we resist boarding the thought train when we’re in a reactive state of mind, we give ourselves the chance to…

